Friday, July 23, 2010

Swimming pool

Hot,hot and more hot.Really unsufferable.If we would have a swimming pool...*dreaming face* Back to reality...
Books i read recently/reading right now/i will read:
-The other Boleyn Girl
-a book a rented from my sister~ from hungarian writer, the title is The Saint Johanna Highschool it seems to be a really good book,about teenagers and their daily problems mixed with humor,love. There is a second part also i will read that as well.
-Evening ~ I saw the film,so i am interested in the book too,i'm reading it together with the previous book mentioned above
-Picninc at Hanging Rock~ I tried to order it in English,but they wrote me email that it's impossible to get it.But fortunately a nice guy offered me that he scans his book and he will send it to me in e-book.That will take some weeks,but i can wait.
-The Shining~ I really want to read it,but the library just closed so i have to wait til it opens again in the end of August *angry sigh*
-Lady Elizabeth~ Another book which takes time in the 1500's,like The other Boleyn Girl.I will read it soon.

We are stucked to Gilmore Girsl with my sister right now and we are watching 2 parts every night and we laugh a lot.This series is one of my favs.

Hot hot and more hot...If we would have a swimming pool *back to dreaming*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Tsarina's daughter

So what happened since i wrote in my blog last time?Well i had my graduation.Yes,exactly like in the american movies in that long clothes and hat which always wanted to slip from my head.But as i saw around me it was not only my problem,because everybody tried to fix on their heads.Anyway it was real fun and also fantastic,now i have a filmtheory and filmhistory diploma,but nobody would give me a work with this...So what else i can do,just continue my studies in the next 2 and a half years.
And what am i doing in my sparetime?Actually every min is sparetime now which i really love.
I can read the books i really want to.Right now i am reading one by Carolly Erickson,and the title is The Tsarina's daughther.This time it's not about Anastasia,but about her sister,Tatjana Romanov.I can't help i like these kind of stories from the tsar era.Maybe because i have something common with Anastasia,we borned on the same day...Just different year of course.
And i took a lot of other books from library,mostly by José Saramago,because i loved his book,the Blindness.He is such a great writer,his books are utopistic,mostly in a negativ way.But still,i can imagine all what he wrote down,like it would be real.And i read another great novel by the american writer Jodi Picoult,her book is titled Handle with care.Awsome story,sad and so true...
I'm also learning french,i refresh my memories from highschool.It would be good to speak it fluently n'est-ce pas?
And i started to write articles for an online cultural newspaper.My first one,about the Robert Capa exhibition is already published,and it's so great feeling to see my writing and my name under it.Today i wrote a review about the film The rebound.
I'm enjoying the sunshine and admiring my new purple orchid which i got for my graduation from my grandmother.This flower is wonderful.
I' m posting here my new favourite song, Sogno by Gianna Nannini.
Oh and i almost forgot to mention.I ordered the book Picninc at Hanging Rock,i can hardly wait to read it.

"... but waiting. I think it's too poor a word for it. I am engaged with the substance of the minutes as they pass."
